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Well, well, seems like I can't keep up with posts more than a week!! Even when I carry my computer everywhere and I keep taking pictures of everything. And yes, I've been busy with work and tired, because when have I not been busy and tired since the beginning of 2013? but now I have 1h and 1/2 of train distance to cover to go to work and the same on the way back. I don't have the "no time to blog" excuse.

Oh, haven't I told you? We couldn't find and apartment in Geneva and our contract was over at the end of August, so we had no choice and now we live in the Canton of Fribourg in a small town where Deni had an empty apartment. Basically we live at the end of the world from my job at Geneva's airport. Hence, the extra train time for me every day. Just so you know I'm someone completely used to live no more than 20 min away from anything and anywhere both in Madrid and during the past three years in Geneva. So it's been such a challenge for me to adapt to everything.
This past week I've gone to bed around 22h every day and that's like extremely weird for me. More if I add that if I could I'd go straight to bed as soon as I get home. My body is so tired and lazy these days, but my brain would shut down and makes me have nightmares and wake up 3 times every night for no reason. No wonder I wake up tired, having this battle with myself every night!
Now, one thing that I'm enjoying so much about all this is the extra time with myself every day and the view from the train window while I listen to my favourite uplifting mood songs.
When looking at everything as a whole, life is not that bad. We've been through lots of changes and more downs than ups...but we are still there so I guess that counts for something.
Talking about changes, have you notice something looking so good in my blog lately? =D
Finally I decided that I want to go somewhere with my blog and the best way to go back to blogging was a make over. New,name, new image. I wish I could say I'm the talented person behind this design but oh dear, I'm not. The artist is no other that Kristen from KV's confessions. I've been following her for a while and I not only think that she is gorgeous inside and out, but extremely talented. I knew that if I ever wanted someone to perk up my blog, it'll be her. She was easy to work with, very patient and did exactly what I asked for. Also, I think her rates are quite fair and that's important when you are in a budget like me.
She just started her dream job so go to her blog and say "coucou" from me. If you want a blog make over, you won't find better.