Today I will talk about what's on my phone and which are my favourite apps. I have a Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc. I have it since December and I absolutly love it!! I've never had fancy cell phones and I kind of understand why not because now it seems that I can not move without it!
There are so many new phones this days that i find it kind of hard to keep up, so probably mine is already an antique xD
(for extra information about specifications etc: click here)
Anyways, going back to what I have in my phone...

This is what I have in my main page. I have the weather widget set for Geneva at the right, quite usefull!, and My period tracker at the left (sorry if this is too much information for somebody =P). Pretty self-explanatory both of them.
At the bottom I have direct link to my music, text msg, contacts and phone calls. This is kind of my most basics and used ones.
I just recently discovered how to organize my apps in folders. Yeah I know, it's kind of lame but I thought that was something that only certains phones could do and I never thought mine was one of them...=)
So I was just happy cliking in the central key and scrolling through the different pages in search of whatever app I wanted to use.
Now, that I discover how to organize my apps I have 5 different folders that for the sake of this post, are located in my main page. I guess I'll switch the distribution as to not to have everything so crowded but for the moment it doesn't bother me and I find it quite handy!
My first folder is called "Social media" and it has everything I need to stay in touch with people.
My facebook personal page and facebook messenger (I find it works better that the chat in the facebook app), tuenti which is like the spanish version of facebook, what's app, twitter, instagram, skype, google talk (which I have never used), blogger and bloglovin' to follow my favourites blogs.
My most used ones are facebook and instagram. I'm a huge instagram lover and follower <3
I hope blogger becomes one of my most used ones since it would mean that I'm blogging a lot on the go and that my blogs works!! (Fingers cross...!!)
Next folder is where I keep everything I need to do and retouch photos.
My camera, photo gallery and a bunch of apps to add effects and filters like, picsart (good for adding effects and doing collages), photo editor, photo grid (nice for adding in frames various pictures together), retouch free and pixlr-o-matic (it's great with tons of effects).
I'm looking for good apps to mark your photos and add figures like hearts, stars and that type of thing so I'm open to any recommendations!
Next I have a folder called "accesories" with all my basic things like settings, gmail, hotmail, internet access, alarm, calculator, google maps, calendar, watch, google translater, play store and Springpad.
I'm quite a messy person. I always tell myself I should write things down and have a planner to plan my days and my work, but it seems not to workk for me whatsoever!!so I'm always looking for cool apps with the ilusion that the would get me to organize myself better (since I use my phone so much).
I haven't gotten to really use springpad but I find it's a really cool app. It allows you to save ideas, notes and tasks, clip articles and things you find on the web, share all that with your family and friends and see what others are sharing...(for more info).
In this folder (which I think I won't be keeping in my main page) I have direct acces to my music, Shazam (everyone knows this one, it works amazing!!) and TuneIn radio. I really like this last one because you can listen to any radio for anywhere wherever you are (I think!).

I also have Track ID and Radio FM which I have never used.
like you see nothing interesting here.
In my next and last folder, called "Games etc" which I think I shoudl called something cool like "Productivity", I have three types of apps.
- Health apps: My diet diary and my fitness buddy, which again I haven't really gotten to use them but from what I've seen they seem to be the best of their type. And then apps like recetario or recipes where I kind look for new recipes and write my favourite ones etc.
- Cultural apps: like verbs in french, french trainer and test your english.
- Last but not least Games: I used to have Tiny tower, island paradise and Tetris but I got tired of them. Right now, tho I don't really play that much anymore, Triple town, Mouse and Bubble Blast.
So this is it!!
I'm sorry for the long post. I don't know if this was interesting or of much help at all, but hey...I'm just putting it out there in case there is someone that would care to read it =)
(Now that I think of, I'm actually missing in the folders apps like youtube,
Hope you are all doing great and see you soon!
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