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Stuffed eggplant!

hello, hello!
I'm bringing you a delicious, fast, easy and healthy recipe today!
Maybe you've tried it already...or maybe not!

Try it and when you do let me know if it stands to its claims!
It will fill you in and keep you going through the day until dinner if you have it for lunch. Plus it's more healthy than you would imagine. My parents are dieting and this meal is on their plan!

For one serving for one person:
1 eggplant
50g minced meet
1 small onion
Garlic or any other herbs of your like
Tomato Sauce (better if it is homemade)

Cut the eggplant in half and draw some squares with a knife
Put 3-4 min in the microwave (it makes emptying the eggplant easier)

Once it is out of the microwave, empty the eggplant without damaging the outer part and save for later.

In a pan start cooking the onions, the garlic and the meet. Add salt and herbs as you like.
When the meet is almost done, after 7-10 min, add the eggplant. cook for 4-5 min and add the tomato sauce.
Cook for another 3 min.

Fill in the eggplant. 
I used a plate- I don't know why- but it is easier if you do it directly in an oven recipient.

Add some cheese and put it in the oven a few minutes to grill.

Mine doesn't really grill but...there you go!!
Bon appétite!

I'm hungry now!


  1. Oh my goodness this look amazing! I'm hungry now too!

  2. Hey, new follower from the GYB Blog Hop. Oh man, I looove eggplant! I've just recently discovered its excellence and was hoping to find some awesome recipes to use it in. Can't wait to try this! :)


  3. that looks so good! and healthy!
